Fusion Wayang Kulit - Tree of Life - This beautiful handiwork is handcrafted and specially brought in by Fusion Wayang Kulit from Malaysia  for Sydney's...

Sydney's Malaysia Fest 2016

19/09/2016 2:13:00 pm

It has been a while since I last posted photos. I have still been taking photos and in fact some exhibitions since I last posted. One of the sets of photos that I truly would like to publish is the recent Malaysia Festival that was held at Tumbalong Park in Darling Harbour, Sydney. It was another successful event organised by the Malaysian university societies that is organised annually. In fact this year, the organisers had lined up really entertaining performances and had a number of food stalls. I had fun shooting, eating and enjoying the entertainment that was on offer. To check out the photos that I had taken, check out this link.

I shall ramp up again posting once again photos taken over the last few months including those that were exhibited.